Hello friend,
it’s official, you are part of the creative crew.
Welcome to this space on the internet. I know I could not promise fresh cut flowers for you as a welcome gift, but I could not resist sharing a photo of some my garden. There is something about flowers that brings beauty in the simplicity of life. Around here you will find flowers. Flower photos. Flower doodles. A lot.
I am so glad to have you apart of the Creative Crew. You make all the difference to those around you and do not take it lightly that you are spending some of your time over here. I hope it is a refreshing and fun place to be.
While you are here, feel free to take a peek around to hear why we do what we do along with some encouragement.
If you haven't had a chance to introduce yourself, I would love to hear about YOU. Your favorite way to get creative, your faith journey or how I can be praying for you. Just hit reply.
Now for that password, use the code YOUARELOVED to access our Creative Crew page.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
P.S. Come hang with us over on Insta.