The Inspire Shop


Tiffany NicoleComment
Peace. Our culture boasts peace with circle trademarks and an easy, two finger hand gesture. It is associated with hippies in bell bottoms and headbands in their sit ins to overcome political issues. World peace is the cliché answer to every question.

My concordance defines it as a state of calm; freedom from strife or discord; harmony in personal relationship.

The peace that this is referring to is not comprehensible by the world. It can only be found in God. He freely offers it and you need only to take it and let it rest upon you like a warm embrace on a cold, snowy day. You can choose to take his peace or let the world fool you with its promises. There is always a choice to be made. The former always looks good on you.

Peace that transcends all understanding comes in the midst of major life decisions and uncertainty. It is wrapped in tests results and deadlines and snuggled close to broken hearts. It is given through hugs and open ears and heard in encouraging words. It is sitting in waiting rooms and in the doctor's office. 
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Jesus tells us that he is leaving peace with us. He tells us this during his final hours on earth, after celebrating the Passover with the disciples. This is part of his final speech. He is telling his disciples what he wants them to remember and the most important things before the final betrayal, as he knows what is about to happen.

Jesus left us with peace. He freely gave it to the disciples and offers you the same. Peace when you do not make your deadlines or arrive to your appointment on time. Peace when your relationship is failing and your heart is breaking. Peace when your body is not functioning as it is was made to. Peace when your child needs more leading than you have guiding expertise. Peace he offers through it all.

He goes on to say to not let your hearts be troubled. In Proverbs, it states:
A heart of peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30

When you are filled with peace of God, you are able to thrive and be filled with life and breath and movement. You are growing and taking it all in. You are trusting God, who knows you full well. You are trusting him to make a way for you in the desert, as his promises state. You may not see the outcome but that is okay because you take peace for this moment in time and choose to take it for the next .

Praying that you can feel the peace of Christ throughout your day and winding its way in each thought and action. Praying that you can grasp the gentle whisper of peace as the world bellows its voice your way.

Here's to embracing more peace and life.