The Inspire Shop

thoughts & insecurity

Tiffany NicoleComment

Compliments have always been hard for me to accept, no matter the source or the reason. At one point I was getting so many that I found myself regularly venting about them to my husband, then boyfriend. I started going out of my way to try to avoid getting another. Changed my hairstyle. Stopped wearing those earrings. Kept that outfit in the closet. It really was an annoyance for me.

In reality, it was insecurity. I was full of insecurity. Compliments felt like a handout. Someone trying to be nice and make me feel good with false intentions but I did not need their help and could care less what they thought - simply out of my own pride. God has been working on my in this area since then and I welcome them now. If someone takes the time to tell me something sweet, I embrace it. And if it happens to be done out of malice, then it lies on them and not me.

Insecurities can show themselves in the strangest of places, like marital status or job title or number of children or personality traits. They form in conversations or appear in invites or the lack there of and start playing themselves out before we know it. These are the ties that hold us back from freedom to truly live for God and his plans for us. This is where the captive lives.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
In order to be free from insecurity, we must rely on the power of Christ and what scripture tells us. Through his power, we can demolish strongholds - in our thoughts and habits. We have the power to take every thought captive for Christ. Thought of not looking put together and putting yourself down. Thoughts of what someone thinks about you and how others perceive you. Scripture says that you are chosen (John 15:16). You are a child of God (John 1:12). You are victorious (1 Corinthians 15:57). You are more than the mental picture you paint of yourself.

You must believe who you are in Jesus.

Being held back to a calling that God has placed on your life due to insecurities, whether something as small as talking to someone or as big as a change in career, is not a fun place to be. It is there that you find yourself smothered by fear and doubt and lacking trust.

When you focus on who God says you are, insecurities start to melt away. When you become so consumed in who God is and how big he is and his plan for your life, you find strength and take your eyes off of what is wrong with yourself. When your eyes are fixed on Jesus, instead of yourself, your decisions will be based on what he says, not what others say or your own doubts and fears.

Praying you find confidence in who God says he is and who you are because of what Jesus has done. Praying you can embrace the word of God and truly understand how God sees you and live in that freedom. Praying you take each negative thought captive and that your insecurities become small victories through Christ.

Here's to focusing on who God is and less of who you say you are.