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music monday: here for you by matt redman

Tiffany NicoleComment

Someone one once brought up the thought, though I cannot recall the source or person, if God were to come down and interrupt you at some point in worship - midway through a song during service - what would your response be? Are you focusing on worshiping God or something else? Is the tune catchy? What are the next words of the next verse? Is your heart in your worship? Is the person next you off key? Or is the fact the person next you is raising her hand distracting you more important than worshiping God? Is your mind racing or are you meeting with God?

Here for you by Matt Redman is a great example to be present both physically and mentally for worship. Have a listen. 

Let our praise be Your welcome
Let our songs be a sign
We are here for You.

Worship can happen anywhere, though for many a church service can be a sort of focal point for it to occur. Worship is a time of devoting yourself to God and praising him for his goodness. It does not have to do with any circumstance or anything that is going on around you. Just praising him for who he is. That is what we are meant to do. That is what we were made to do; if we do not, even the rocks will cry out (Luke 19:40).

Getting caught up in the atmosphere or people or thoughts takes your focus from God to yourself or others. It is these insecurities that prohibit true worship.

King David danced with total abandon (2 Samuel 6:14) . He knew the God he was worshiping. He knew what it meant to be in the presence of God and his greatness. He danced with all his might, all while practically naked. He did not care what others thought because he worshiping God, while his wife despised him in her heart (2 Samuel 6:16).

She did not see his dance as one of praise but as undignified and dishonoring. She sat up in a window looking down instead of joining in on the  worship and rejoicing, which is sad to think she did not indulge in praising the Lord at such an exciting time in Israel, as the Ark of the Covenant was returned.

Praying that you show up for worship with your heart ready to meet with God and not worrying about what someone is going to think of you if you raise your hand or do not raise it or if you clap or sing too loud. Praying you come to praise the Lord, your God and enjoy being in his presence and in the presence of other believers who are there to do the same thing.

Praying that where ever you find yourself worshiping, that it would be done with total abandon for God. That you would praise him for the God he is - for his sovereignty and mercy and love. That your heart would be in the right place and that you would be transformed through it.

Here's to cancelling out the distractions and truly worshiping and praising God for who he is.