The Inspire Shop


music monday: here i am by downhere

Tiffany NicoleComment
A friend was recently admitted to the hospital due to pregnancy issues. After my immediate shock and sadness for her, my second thought was how exciting that God is moving her family in to a new place to minister. Not a place they chose to be but a special place none the less because God chose it just for them.

So often people consider missionaries only as those who go overseas but we are called to minister to those around us.

Jesus' ministry was organic. It was those around him that he taught and blessed and healed, as he traveled and ate and roamed. He did not first go to the women's ministry meeting and then to the men's and children's and the youth group. He taught to those around him and went where others asked him to go. The woman at the well (John 4). The home of Jairus (Matthew 9). The centurion (Matthew 8).

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Yes, ministry is important in regards to our culture and church context and God calls us to join certain ones and lead in that aspect for a season but our lives are our ministry. The school your child attends. The office you go to daily. The library you frequent. The parks your child plays at. The coffee shop that supplies your daily pick me up. These are the organic relationships that have potential to change eternity. To give hope. To give a future.

You may never be called overseas to teach about Jesus to another culture but God may call you to a mission field you never imagined or wanted. A new cubicle after being let go from a company. A hospital bed after a diagnosis. A visitors pass to a prison. A frequenter of a cemetery.

These are mission fields. And they need you at the perfect time God calls you to them. Here I am by Downhere, fits accordingly. Have a listen. 

Here I am, 
Lord send me 
All of my life, 
I make an offering

Praying that you will see past the mirage of what a missionary should look like in the present day and instead would see the beauty in the heart of the calling Jesus offers. Praying that the holy spirit would guide and direct and give instruction as to where to stop and what to say and what to do. Praying you would enjoy the leading and following of the relationship and would walk in obedience to follow. Praying that you would follow the prompting to ask the mom at soccer practice if you can pray for her or to pay for the elderly woman's grocery that is behind you or writing an encouraging note and sending it in the mail. Praying you would follow the teeny Spirit inspired thoughts that come up throughout the course of the day that do not make sense at the time. 

Praying that you would trust God to show up in the midst of these promptings that you do not understand because his ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). Praying you would put your faith on your sleeve and bring glory to God.

Here's to your status as a missionary. Here's to prayers and blessings on the field that you are currently serving. 

And a little 8 x 10 printable as an encouragement in the words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8). Click to download.